August 16, 2018
For our column this week, we have chosen to present to you four necessary steps to know before undertaking the project of building an extension to your house. This is the kind of thinking that often simmers for a long time before really taking shape, right? Since the expansion is a large-scale project, the expenses are proportionately high. So to make the right decision, you have to take the right steps.
1. Feasibility study
Check with municipal authorities to find out about the permits to be obtained and the regulations in force. Certain restrictions can potentially slow down or stop your project. This is therefore a crucial first step.
2. Contact a contractor specializing in house structures
He can first assess the condition of the frame of your home to make improvements, if necessary, before proceeding with the expansion.
3. Plan the investment
Several expansion options exist: lateral expansion is often the most accessible option.
It is also possible to add an additional floor to the house. In this case, it will be necessary to ensure the high stability of the structure.
Others will opt to dig a soil-soil at their residence if it does not already have one.
4. Know what to expect
Regardless of the type of extension, the price per square foot is more advantageous the larger the size of the extension. You should know that these are long-term works and significant investments. But if you do business with qualified, experienced contractors who will guide you towards the best decisions, your house will increase in value and you will come out ahead!